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Representation in the "Great White North"

Colleen Elep and Chad Mills consider why diverse representations of the outdoors matter and what educators can do to make sure they are inclusive of all their students.

The World Needs a Lesson

Sarah Lowes

Sarah Lowes considers the importance and impact of hope when talking about the future of the planet.

Little Children, Big Learning

We focus on the effectiveness of the current model for Kindergarten, which includes a certified teacher and a designated early childhood educator.

The Power of Stories

Rabia Khokhar

Rabia Khokhar reflects on how our perspectives are shaped by the stories we read and that are read to us.

Mastering the Mystery of Benefits Funding

Derek Hulse and Lisa Mastrobuono

Your collective agreement includes over a dozen pages of technical information about how the provincial benefits plan is funded and managed.

Consulting But Not Listening

Federico Carvajal

While we participated in more consultations this year than ever before in ETFO’s history, it is clear that the government is not listening.