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Representation in the "Great White North"

Colleen Elep and Chad Mills consider why diverse representations of the outdoors matter and what educators can do to make sure they are inclusive of all their students.

Ontario's New Headmaster

Alanna Mitchell

Michael Fullan is the man Dalton McGuinty hopes will help him become the province's best education premier since Bill Davis. Alanna Mitchell talks to the schooling guru whose profile has been higher abroad than at home - until now

Visiting Mars Bloch

Charlotte Morgan

For the last three years, Marietta (Mars) Bloch, B.Sc. (Hon), B.Ed., has co-ordinated the Toronto District School Board's science and technology programs, from grade 1 through secondary school.

Provincial Parks Bring Life to Learning

Cory Telfer

Several science and technology strands lend themselves directly to outdoor experiences. Students need to be able to make observations, collect data, and test hypotheses in nature.

STAO Conference

Sidney McKay

As co-chair of STAO 2003, I invite all my elementary colleagues to attend the Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario annual conference. This year, the conference runs November 6-8 at the Regal Constellation Hotel, Toronto. The theme for STAO 2003 is Dreams Are Made for Pursuit.

Thinking Critically

Joanne Harris

Critical thinking is a disciplined process that requires the learner to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information gathered by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication.

Male Elementary Teachers

Jeffrey Crane

The fact is, fewer men are becoming elementary teachers. Eighteen male teachers give their insight.

Boys' Culture and School Success

Russel Smith

The statistics are in, finally proving what everyone with an arts education has long known: boys in Canadian schools are well behind girls in academic performance, particularity in reading and writing.