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Representation in the "Great White North"

Colleen Elep and Chad Mills consider why diverse representations of the outdoors matter and what educators can do to make sure they are inclusive of all their students.

ETFO Standing Committees

International Assistance Committee

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has 21 standing committees.

ETFO Scholarship and Bursary Winners

ETFO Voice

Aboriginal Women in Education Award - Women's Program
Sheri Jahner - Waterloo Region Teacher Local
Allison Nakogee - Moose Factory
Natalie Corkery - Kawartha Pine Ridge Teacher Local
Kimberly Cheena - Kingston

Teacher-led Professional Growth Through Lesson Study

Brian Harrison

The growing North American emphasis on standards and accountability has led many jurisdictions to rely on externally developed measures like standardized tests as the sole measure of student learning and school effectiveness.

Lesson Plan: Making Math Happen

Jennifer Paziuk

Making Math Happen in the Junior Years, a new release from ETFO, provides teachers with a vast array of ideas to incorporate into their math program. It is the second in ETFO's Making Math Happen series. In this issue of Voice, Jennifer Paziuk, one of the lead authors, describes the importance of communication in a successful math program. An excerpt from the curriculum provides further ideas.

ETFO's Perspective on the Role of Lead Teachers for Literacy and Numeracy

ETFO Voice

Last April Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the government's intent to provide an intensive focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills for Ontario students. This focus called for the appointment of specially trained lead teachers in literacy and numeracy in the primary and junior divisions of every school in Ontario.

Mainstreaming Body Equity

Carla Rice, Ph.D., June Larkin, Ph.D., Maura Jette

From the moment children begin to think about their bodies, at age four, they want to be thin. By age eight, although both girls and boys are struggling with body image, girls experience the issue much more keenly.

International Walk to School Day

ETFO Voice

In October 2003, more than 850 Ontario schools, or 330,000 students, participated in International Walk to School Day. They joined thousands of schools in 29 other countries around the world 'blazing trails in the urban jungle.'

Reflections of Me

ETFO Voice

On May 5, 2004, the Federation proudly released Reflections of Me: The ETFO Body Image Project. The launch took place at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Tout le monde en bénéficie!

André Charlebois

Tous les enseignants et enseignantes de français langue seconde en Ontario sont au prise avec le bulletin scolaire de rélève.